USNA 34th Company

From USNA Virtual Memorial Hall

The company is the most important unit in the Brigade of Midshipmen. Companies eat, sleep, study, drill, and compete together. Comprised of roughly 30-35 midshipmen from each of all four classes, they are led by 1/c Midshipmen. There are currently 30 companies in the Brigade, though this number has ranged from 8 in the late 1920s to 36 from the late 1940s to the late 1990s.

Some classes are in the same company for all four years; there is also "shotgunning" (all midshipmen in a class, usually following plebe year, are moved randomly to a different company) and "rifling" (again usually following plebe year, an entire group would move from one company to another). Even though many alumni were a part of more than one company during their four years at the Naval Academy, the list below is reflective of the company from which they graduated.

1966 Vaughan LB.jpg
Douglas Vaughan
Class of 1966

Lieutenant (j.g.), US Navy

Prospect Heights, Illinois

May 20, 1969 (25 years old)

Bronze Star, KIA, Vietnam, Naval Advisory Group, Vietnam, Ground, HOFH23, USNA 34th Company

1973 Rickey LB.jpg
Randy Rickey
Class of 1973

Lieutenant, US Navy

Pinellas Park, Florida

October 16, 1977 (26 years old)

Operational loss, Fleet Composite Squadron (VC) 5, Fixed Wing, USNA 34th Company

1974 Mikal LB.jpg
Randy Mikal
Class of 1974

Lieutenant, US Navy

Elmhurst, Illinois

November 2, 1978 (26 years old)

Operational loss, Air Anti-Submarine Squadron (VS) 37, Fixed Wing, USNA 34th Company

1979 Lange LB.jpg
Mark Lange
Class of 1979

Lieutenant, US Navy

Fraser, Michigan

December 4, 1983 (26 years old)

KIA, POW, Lebanon, Attack Squadron (VA) 85, Fixed Wing, USNA 34th Company

1981 McGinty LB.jpg
Michael McGinty
Class of 1981


Omaha, Nebraska

September 11, 2001 (42 years old)

9/11, Civilian, Terrorism, USNA 34th Company

★ Though we honor his service and sacrifice on this website, he is not eligible for inclusion in Memorial Hall.

1981 McGinty LB.jpg Michael McGinty
Class of 1981
9/11, Civilian, Terrorism, USNA 34th Company

★ Though we honor his service and sacrifice on this website, he is not eligible for inclusion in Memorial Hall.