Frank Kolbe, Jr. '60
Lucky Bag
From the 1960 Lucky Bag:
Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania
After prepping at Columbian for a year, Bud gave up the confining night life of Washington, D.C., for the broad social advantages offered here at Navy. As a cartoonist for the Log and Splinter, he offered many a critical caricature to enliven the spirit of the Brigade. An outdoorsman by nature, his interests include camping, swimming, fishing, and nearly all sports. His free time here was spent indulging in some of his various hobbies: art, writing, listening to popular music, and philosophy. Bud's serious good humor and pointed wit enlivened many a study hour, and his quiet ability of making and keeping friends was responsible for a steady stream of mail arriving. The Naval Service will be most happy to welcome him aboard.

Point Pleasant, Pennsylvania
After prepping at Columbian for a year, Bud gave up the confining night life of Washington, D.C., for the broad social advantages offered here at Navy. As a cartoonist for the Log and Splinter, he offered many a critical caricature to enliven the spirit of the Brigade. An outdoorsman by nature, his interests include camping, swimming, fishing, and nearly all sports. His free time here was spent indulging in some of his various hobbies: art, writing, listening to popular music, and philosophy. Bud's serious good humor and pointed wit enlivened many a study hour, and his quiet ability of making and keeping friends was responsible for a steady stream of mail arriving. The Naval Service will be most happy to welcome him aboard.
Frank was lost on July 19, 1981 when the helicopter he was aboard crashed on the flight deck of USS Guam (LPH 9).
From the October 1981 issue of Shipmate, via USNA '60 Memorial Site:
It is with great sorrow that we report the death of Classmate Frank P. Kolbe, Jr. on 19 July 1981 aboard USS Guam (LPH 9). As a crew member aboard a CH-53 Sea Stallion helicopter, Frank was serving a two-week stint in Reserve Marine Helicopter Squadron 772 out of NAS Willow Grove, Pennsylvania. Surviving are wife Barbara, daughters Elizabeth, Susan, Kathryn, son Chip, and parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Kolbe Sr. Military memorial services were held at St. Matthews Lutheran Church in Perkasie, Pennsylvania.
The thoughts and prayers of all Class of ‘60 are with the Kolbe family. Raymond Burkley
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
During training exercises off the coast of North Carolina, Frank already had his turn at flying the helicopter and was a passenger when it crashed on the flight deck of the USS Guam. He had safely flown hundreds of hours for the Marine Corps in Vietnam during the U.S. involvement. Flying with the Marine Medium Helicopter Squadron 261 in Vietnam, he had flown some 540 combat missions. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, the Purple Heart for a shrapnel wound in his leg, and more than 25 other air medals.
He graduated from Central Bucks High School in Doylestown in 1954. Homeroom President 2, 3; Rifle 1, 2, 3 (98.5 average); Traffic Squad 1; Projection Squad 2, 3; Prom Committee Co-Chairman 2; Dancing Club 2; Intramural Volleyball 2, 3; Intramural Basketball 3; Chefs’ (cooking) Club 3; Junior Rotarian 3; Antler Art Staff 3; Antler Editorial Staff 3. Art is this lad’s main interest. Frank has contributed his talent to the class and plans to make art his career.
He enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1955 and then attended the Naval Academy graduating in 1960. He left active duty around 1968 and became a pilot for Pan American flying jet liners to South America. He was laid off after two years and then went to work as a supervising mechanical engineer at Merck, Sharp and Dohme in 1971. At Merck, he was working on the construction of a $4 million plant for the manufacture of hepatitis medicine. He subsequently entered the Marine Corps Reserves.
The Kolbes were married at St. Matthews Lutheran Church, Bedminster, in 1961. He was also survived by two sisters, Mrs. Mary Lou Conna and Mrs. Ann Clark, and three brothers, Edward, Richard and William.
Frank is buried in Pennsylvania.

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