Paul Klinedinst, Jr. '58
Lucky Bag
From the 1958 Lucky Bag:
Garden City, New York
Friendly and ambitious, Paul ambled in from the "city of green trees" up in the Empire State. Paul's natural scholastic ability was the amazement of us all — nothing was too hard for this friendly, hard-working guy and he stayed up at the top of the class. His academic successes gave him plenty of time to spread his talents into other fields. He put a lot of effort into the Log and Lucky Bag for which both publications benefited greatly. His schedule was always pretty full, but, he managed to find time to drag an occasional redhead. As for the future, "P-berg" plans to go Navy line and then hopes to spend his first shore duty here teaching skinny.
He was also a company representative to the Brigade Executive Committee (Honor Committee).

Garden City, New York
Friendly and ambitious, Paul ambled in from the "city of green trees" up in the Empire State. Paul's natural scholastic ability was the amazement of us all — nothing was too hard for this friendly, hard-working guy and he stayed up at the top of the class. His academic successes gave him plenty of time to spread his talents into other fields. He put a lot of effort into the Log and Lucky Bag for which both publications benefited greatly. His schedule was always pretty full, but, he managed to find time to drag an occasional redhead. As for the future, "P-berg" plans to go Navy line and then hopes to spend his first shore duty here teaching skinny.
He was also a company representative to the Brigade Executive Committee (Honor Committee).
Paul was killed when a mooring line parted aboard USS Howard W. Gilmore (AS 16) on January 13, 1980. He was the ship's Executive Officer.
Other Information
From researcher Kathy Franz:
Born in Brooklyn, he lived in Garden City, N.Y., and then Aberdeen, N. J. He graduated from St. Paul’s High School in 1954. He was Editor-in-Chief of the yearbook Sigillum; Cum Laude; Monitor; Stewart Society ’54 Secretary, 53; Sacristans Guild ’54, ’53; Editor-in-Chief of the Record; Record Reporter ’53, ’52; Senior Gift Committee; Varsity Football Manager ’53 (L), ’52 (L), Assistant Manager ’51; Varsity Basketball Manager ’53 (L); Varsity Baseball Manager ’54 (L), ’53 (L); Jayvee Baseball ’52. Class Prophecy: Noted for Versatility, Favorite Comment “He’s a good student. I like him.” Greatest Fear: Not making Annapolis. Outstanding for: Any dirty job. Probable Career: Scow boat captain. Favorite Gripe: None. Senior Poll: first place for Best Informed, Best man for a dirty job, and Most likely to succeed. Second place for “Done most for St. Paul’s” and Biggest Politician.
From the Daily Register (Red Bank, NJ) 18 Jan 1980: “… He also held a master of science degree in oceanography at the Navy’s Post-graduate School in Monterey.
He served aboard the USS Tulare (AKA 112) in Communications (see picture) and edited the cruise book in 1960. The ship covered 25,541 miles on its Far East Cruise, October 13, 1959, to April 28, 1960. Prior to qualifying in submarine duties, he served aboard the USS Tullivee and the USS Scorpion. He was also an executive officer aboard the USS Ethan Allan, where he served with the Gold Crew. From 1972 to 1974, he was commanding officer of the USS James Monroe.
While serving with the branch head submarine base acquisition division, Trident Project managers in Washington, D. C., from 1974 to 1979, he earned the Navy’s meritorious unit commendation, a National Defense Service Medal and the Meritorious Service Medal.
Surviving are his mother, Mrs. Ellen Klinedinst, a niece Patricia, and a nephew Peter. His brother Gary died in 1976
Paul is buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
Related Articles
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Paul is one of 28 members of the Class of 1958 on Virtual Memorial Hall.

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